WordPress.org or Free WordPress.com Site? what's you need??

The most important difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com is that you can customize almost anything with wordpress.org. But in WordPress.com you can’t. That’s it.

Firstly we understand what is wordpress.org and wordprees.com??


Wordpress.org is a self-hosted platform, it is a free web software where you can create a beautiful website, blog, and app, and also you can manage your website content using just your browser or build a new one.

You can download WordPress for free, but it must be installed on a web server in order to work.Once WordPress is installed, you’ll have complete control over every aspect of your website. You can install themes and plugins with your choice and add new features to your site.

If you are going to customize your site by installing a premium theme or plugin,  you’ll want to use the self-hosted version of WordPress, available for download from WordPress.org.


Wordpree.com is a free, hosted version of WordPress which let you build a simple blog or website in just a couple of minutes.

In the process of signup, you will choose a name for your site but in the end of the name of your site the keyword, wordpress.com is automatic include. Example like:- if you choose your site name “foodcenter, but the name is automatically shown as foodcenter.wordprees.com.you can purchase an upgrade which will enable you to use your own domain name

When you select your name for your site and finish the process of sign-up, there is only pre-selected them you can choose, which have the control your site’s looks.
Again you have to purchase an upgrade which can help to customize and modify your website.

There are a number of other upgrades available for purchase, including video hosting, space upgrades, removing ads that are shown by default, and more.And if you ever decide to transfer your site from the fully-hosted WordPress.com to a self-hosted WordPress.org installation, you’ll need to hire an expert and pay for it.

Wordpress.com also has the ability to collect the feedback from visitors side through polls, rating, and review.

So, if you are a beginner and looking for a free website or want to create a simple blog then you can choose wordpress.com, its free and also best for you.

If you want complete control over your site and wanna design it with your own thought then go for wordpress.org its perfect for you.

How to switch wordpress.com to wordpress.org?

You have to create a new blog or website and do these simple steps ...

  • Export data
Sign-up to your WordPress blog and click on the tools option and then on export.
There will be two options and you can choose between free or guided transfer.

If you choose “free transfer”.you will ask which data you want to transfer and select “All content” and then click on the download export file button.An XML file will be downloaded into your computer which will contain all of your posts, pages, images, comments, custom fields, categories, tags, navigation menus and other information.

  • Setting up wordpress

Setup a fresh WordPress install on your web hosting.you has to do only a few click it's very easy to install.
When you complete your installation then import your content into your new self-hosted WordPress website.

  • Importing Content into Self Hosted WordPress Site.

When you import your old content from WordPress.com to your new site, you need to click on Tools » Import option in your self-hosted WordPress.org dashboard.

Next click on WordPress. You will be asked to install the WordPress Importer plugin. Once you install it, activate and run the importer plugin. And then it will take you to a screen where you will be asked to upload your WordPress.com XML file that you downloaded in step 1 of this tutorial.

When you start importing, you will have the option of assigning your old content to a current user or create a new user. You will also have option of importing your old attachments

  • Importing Your Blogroll Links
If you had been using the Links feature on your WordPress.com blog to store blogroll or other links, then you need to follow these instructions to export and import them. Users who were not using this feature can skip to Step 5.

Blogroll links are exported in OPML format. It is an XML format which allows you to export and import your links and link categories. Your WordPress.com links have an OPML file located at an address like this:


Replace example with your WordPress.com blog’s subdomain. In any case, if you are using a custom domain with your WordPress.com blog then your OPML file can be accessed by visiting a URL like this:


Your OPML file will open in your browser window and you need to save it to your desktop. Press CTRL+S (Command+S on Mac) to save the file on your computer.
you have a backup of your WordPress.com links now, the next step is to import them into WordPress. However, self-hosted WordPress does not have a link manager enabled by default.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Link Manager plugin. One more thing, if the plugin’s page says that it hasn’t been updated in last two years.because it didn’t need updating and you can confidently install this plugin.
Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item in your WordPress admin bar labeled ‘Links’.

Now your site is capable of managing links and blogrolls and you can safely import them.

  • Setting your WordPress.com blog to private

If you don’t want to redirect your old users to your new site, then go ahead and follow this step.

If You don’t want to redirect your old users to your new site, Go to the Reading page under the Settings tab, from your WordPress.com Dashboard and select the last option, “I would like my blog to be private, visible only to users I choose”.

  • Redirecting Visitors and Preserving SEO
WordPress.com offers a paid upgrade, Site Redirect, which provides this functionality.
Redirecting users to the new location with a 301 header is the standard solution to keep search ranking while moving a site from one location to another.

Go to WordPress.com blog’s dashboard and click on the Store menu item. The upgrade you are looking for is called Site Redirect. At the time of writing this tutorial, this update was reasonably priced at $13 USD per year. This upgrade provides 301 redirect which allows your site’s visitors and search engines to be automatically redirected to your new site.

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